
Crash site Groveton, Virginia, USA 
Airline Eastern Air Lines 
Aircraft Douglas C-54  –  NC88729 
Route Miami  –  Tampa  –  Atlanta  –  Washington D.C./National  –  New York/Newark 
Crew 4  –  4 survivors 
Passengers 22  –  22 survivors 


The crash

The flight departed Atlanta at 20:27 and nearing Washington, the crew obtained permission to approach the National Airport. At 23:16 the crew reported that they had missed its approach and requested clearance for a second approach. While maneuvering for another approach the plane struck a ridge at Groveton near Alexandria 10 km south-southwest of Washington National Airport. All onboard got out of the plane which caught fire.


The mail

Only a part of the mail was recovered and especially some from South America to various countries in Europe. I have recorded one Nordic item which is shown below.




Examples of mail

19461011 001a 19461011 001c

Cover fram Brazil postmarked RIO BRANCO 8 OUT 46 to Birkerød, Denmark. The cover was forwarded in a Danish service cover type J.6 (1-44). In the upper right corner is a manuscript note probably by the recipient (Damaged in air crash in U.S.A. 27/10 46).
Thiesen Collection.