
Crash site Toulon, France
Airline BOAC (British Overseas Airways Corporation) 
Aircraft Douglas C-47  –  G-AGKN 
Route Malta  –  Toulon
Crew 4  –  0 survivors 
Passengers 2  –  0 survivors 


The crash

The plane left Malta at 05:30 and at 08:30 the Marseilles control tower received a signal that the plane expected to land at the Toulon airport at 08:48. Nothing further was heard until news was received of the accident. The plane had crashed into a cliff in the French coast south-west of Toulon.
The reason for the crash was probably poor visibility due to local fog in the area.


The mail

This crash is not mentioned by Nierinck. The only recorded item is a postcard from Tunis to Sweden.





Examples of mail

19480714 001a   

Postcard written on 12/7-48 from Tunis with illegible postmark addressed to Stockholm, Sweden. The card show a small framed French handstamp “AVION/ACCIDENTE”. On the back is a postmark PARIS AVIATION Sce ETRANGER 15-7-48.
Thiesen Collection.