
Crash site Frankfurt airport, Germany 
Airline KLM Royal Dutch Airlines 
Aircraft Douglas DC- 6  –  PH-TPJ  –  Koningin Juliana
Route Johannesburg  –  Brazzaville  –  Rome  –  Frankfurt/M  –  Amsterdam 
Crew 10  –  1 survivor
Passengers 37  –  1 survivor 


The crash

The plane took off from Rome/Ciampino airport early in the morning. There were no signs of any problems during the flight, and at 10:45 the crew reported approaching the “Offenbach” beacon  and descending to 750 m. This was the last radio contact. At 10:50 the plane crashed in a forest 7 km north-east of the airport and caught fire.
The reason for the crash was never determined.


The mail

A part of the mail and 500 kg of gold was recovered from the wreckage. So far no mail from Afrika has been recorded. So most likely all the African mail was destroyd in the crash. During the stop in Rome mail from Italy,  Asia and South America was loaded on board the plane. Some of this mail was recovered. As to Nordic mail I have seen items addressed to Denmark, Norway and Sweden.

Number of items in my records:

From To Denmark  To Norway To Sweden
Italy 14 1
Brazil 0 3
Malaya 1 0 0


The Danish Reexpedition Post Office in Copenhagen produced labels to be used with mail that was forwarded to the recipients. The text was in Danish language and can be translated to “Damaged in the air accident at Frankfurt (Main) on 22. March 1952.”.
The size of the labels varies as they were printed on large size paper and later cut from the sheets.
Even if the text in general is the same I have recorded 8 variations in the arrangement of the text.


Size textblock:  81 x 29 mm.

Break between ”d.  22.marts”.


Size textblock:  84 x 29 mm.

”K” in KØBENHAVN start under ”R”




Size Textblock: 84 x 29 mm.

”København” in small lettering.



Size textblock:  82 x 28 mm.

Different text font.




Size textblock:  84 x 29 mm.

”K” in KØBENHAVN start under ”T”



Size textblock:  84 x 29 mm.

”K” in KØBENHAVN start under ”E”.




Size textblock:  84 x 31 mm.

First line shift after ”ved”.



Size textblock:  84 x 29 mm.

”B” in Beskadiget start above “d”.



Norwegian label.
Size of textblock:  145 x 33 mm.

Enclosed item has been damaged in the crash of airplane Kl-592 at Frankfurt a/M on 22/3-52.
Oslo Arr. foreign


Swedish label.
Size og textblock:  132 x 2½ mm.
Damaged by air accident outside Frankfurt am Main on 22.3.1952.


Swedish label.
Size of textblock:  ?

Enclosed item which was damaged in an air accident at Frankfurt am Main on 22.3.52 is hereby forwarded.  /  Royal General Postboard / Complaints Office


Service Covers:

As most of the mail was more or less damaged by fire the items were usually forwarded to the recipients in a service cover. Danish and Swedish service covers are known:

Denmark type J. 6 (2-50) – size:  211 x 149 mm.
Denmark type J 7 (6-51)  –  size:   271 x 159 mm.
Sweden type Bl. 299 a. (Febr. 50)  1951  –  size:  199 x 141 mm.





Examples of mail

Cover from Italy metermarked NAPOLI 20 3 52 and addressed to Copenhagen. The cover was forwarded in a service cover type J. 6 (2-50) together with a crash label type A-e. On the service cover is an arrival postmork of KØBENHAVN K. 26.3.52.
Thiesen Collection.

Cover from Italy postmarked  ROMA  21 III 1952  to Copenhagen Denmark. The cover was forwarded in the larger type of service cover type  J 7  (6-51) together with a crash label type A-g.
Thiesen Collection.

Cover from Sao Paulo, Brazil (unclear postmark) addressed to Copenhagen. The cover was forwarded in a service cover type J. 6 (2-50) together with a crash label type A-e.
Thiesen Collection.

Cover from Brazil postmarked  S. PAULO 18 MAR to Aarhus, Denmark. The cover was forwarded in a service cover type J. 6 (2-50) together with the unusual crash label type A-d (different text font). On the service cover is an arrival postmark KØBENHAVN F.  26.3.52.
Thiesen Collection.

Cover from Malaya postmarked KOTA BHARU, KELANTAN 18 MAR 52 to Odense, Denmark. The cover was forwarded together with a Danish crash label type A-h.
This is the only item so far recorded from Asia to one of the Nordic countries.
Ex. Andrew Norris Collection.

Cover from Italy postmarked  ROMA FERROVIA 21.-3. 52  to Oslo, Norway. The cover was forwarded together with a Norwegian crash label type B-a.
Unknown Collection.


Cover from Italy postmarked MESSINA 20.3.52 and addressed to Västervik, Sweden. The cover was forwarded in a service cover type Bl. 299 a. (Febr. 50) together with a crash label type C-a. On the service cover is a postmark STOCKHOLM B 26.3.52.
Biesheuvel Collection.

Cover from Brazil with meter mark SAO PAULO (unclear date) to Stockholm, Sweden. The cover was forwarded in a service cover type Bl. 299 a. (Febr. 50)  1951 together with a crash label type C-a.
Thiesen Collection.

Cover from Brazil with metermark SAO PAULO (unclear date) to Malmö, Sweden. The cover was forwarded together with a crash label type D-a.
Unknown Collection.